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Cuzco Cochran frog

Kosnipata Valley, Carrettera del Manu, Peru


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“The Lazarus effect” is something nice you read about but when you actually witness it with your own eyes it’s a totally different thing. This glass frog, a male Cuzco Cochran frog (Rulyrana spiculata) was believed extinct from the Kosnipata Valley since 10 years (and only believed still present in a single valley more on the North). So when Prof. Alessandro Catenazzi and I found this calling male behind a leaf along a small stream of the cloud forest, our happiness completely washed out every bit of fatigue and drowsiness from us. We felt alive and hopeful. Because we still have a chance to reduce our impact and to save at least some of the threatened species around the world. Some of them, can “come back” from oblivion if we give them enough space and time.

By Emanuele Biggi

Emanuele is an Italian naturalist and photographer with a Ph.D in Environmental Sciences. He’s Associate Fellow of the iLCP - International League of Conservation Photographers and a member of the IUCN Spiders and Scorpions Specialists Group. He’s mainly focused on the smaller creatures and conservation of nature. His main topics are Amphibians and Reptiles, Spiders and other Arthropods and life into extreme environments. He’s the author and curator of scientific exhibitions with whom he tries to bring nature to people. Emanuele published two books: a photographic one called "Predatori del Microcosmo" and "Namibia", a non-photographic travel/adventure book. Winner and finalist of various international photography prizes and speaker of international photography symposiums and festivals. He’s a death metal singer as well and he likes everyone knows that too, just in case.

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